"You can map your life through your favorite movies, and no two people's maps will be the same." - Mary Schmich

Monday, December 13, 2010

Up and coming goodies

I haven’t had much time for blogging this past week, much less movie watching. My spare time, sleep schedule, and general will to live have been largely dominated by finals week, which I’m sure all of my collegiate-aged brothers and sisters can attest to. In the absence of any spare time to watch movies for discussion/review, here is a list of some flicks that I’m pretty excited about that I plan on seeing over the upcoming 5 week break.

The Fighter

Though Mark Whalberg admittedly doesn’t have as much range as a lot of other Hollywood A-listers (i.e. The Happening), one role that he dominates time and time again is that of a badass (i.e. The Departed, Four Brothers). Combine that with Christian Bale’s superb acting talents in the supporting role, and Amy Adams as the love interest (and my obvious soul mate, as the spiciest ginger on the big screen), and you’ve got some serious Oscar material.

True Grit

The western is a genre that is pretty risky to tackle in the 21st century. They don’t appeal to as many movie go-ers as they did fifty years ago. Only a handful of good ones have been made in the last couple decades (3:10 To Yuma, The Quick and the Dead, etc.), but if anyone can make (or remake rather) a western that‘s fresh, unique, and relevant, you bet your britches it’s the Cohen Brothers (see what I did there?). Though Matt Damon’s moustache may haunt your dreams, I suggest you see this one ASAP.

Black Swan

This film is also getting a lot of Oscar buzz, and rightfully so. Natalie Portman’s performance definitely looks to be top notch, as do the cinematography, costumes, and general film making. Being more of a film festival piece and not as much of a Tinsletown blockbuster, it may be it bit harder to locate a theatre showing it, so sack up and drive the extra twenty minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice selection of recommended flicks! I'll pass on the dark ballet item, but the other two look attractive. "The Fighter" looks like "Rocky Meets Cinderella Man," but they were both good films, so how bad could it be (is Paul Giamatti in it)? "True Grit" promises to be even grittier than the original was thought to be in its day: one-eyed John Wayne cocking and firing two lever-action rifles at once while riding across a meadow on horseback, shouting "You S.O.B.!"--not the acronym but the actual words, which was shocking back then, at least in a John Wayne movie. Let's go see one or both of these while you're home on break!
